Top 15 Planner Strategies

For Middle and High School Students

Staying Organized will set your child up for success. Help keep your homeschooler organized by teaching them how to plan out their day.
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  1. Use a planner that is large enough to write in/on, that is portable and preferably not digital. The best planner is the one you will use!
  2. Add items to your planner when you know about them.  Example: add all soccer games to your planner for the season when you get the schedule, add all test dates from your syllabus to your assignment planner for a class, add a concert you bought tickets to that takes place in 2 months, etc.
  3. Sunday or Monday morning meeting with homeschool parent “What do you have scheduled for me this week?”
  4. Write down what you need and want to do this week, including steps in SMART goals and Rock priorities.
  5. In your planner, write down tasks with a specific time. Remember to include travel time!
  6. Add in tasks and activities (in priority order) that do not have a specific time. Write these on a specific day.
  7. Be sure to build in cushion time.
  8. Build in down time – during times with nothing planned. This is important to recharge!
  9. Schedule self-care time: exercise, journaling, long bubble bath, staring at the sky.
  10. Use color coding, symbols, geometric borders, underlining, stars to categorize activities/tasks.
  11. Add in reminders or tasks related to upcoming events.
  12. Write your weekly goals or focused priorities.
  13. Use your planner as a journal, diary, brainstorming or creativity space.
  14. Don’t forget to cross off tasks when complete.
  15. Use it! The best planner in the world won’t work unless you actually use it. Look at it at the beginning of each day, throughout the day and at night. Make adjustments to the next day’s plan if necessary.

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