Homeschool High School Document and Records Guide


Homeschool High School record keeping doesn’t have to be overwhelming!
Our 24-page High School Document and a Records Guide will walk you through everything you need for homeschool high school record keeping. Includes Step by Step Guides, Checklists and Easy to Understand Examples! We talk about this in Episode .023 High School Documents.This is the 3rd episode in our High School Series.

Homeschool record keeping is part of the job of being a homeschool parent but keeping track of those records doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Making record keeping a part of your homeschool routine and keeping up with it regularly can ease the burden when you need documentation for graduation or college admissions. Staying on top of homeschool organization is a good idea and can make life as a homeschool parent so much easier and efficient. You may also choose to keep paper copies as well as digital copies.

I would encourage you to guide your high school student to keep track of their schoolwork and their own records. It is an important life skill for students to learn to keep track of their progress and to practice record keeping., pub-3532971247352760, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

We will walk you through all your responsibilities including being your student’s guidance counselor, writing the transcripts, writing the resume, creating your school profile, writing your counselor letter, creating course descriptions, and ensuring great letters of recommendation.

Save yourself all the confusion and frustration and set your student up for success with the confidence this guide will bring you. From teaching you to create and keep track of all your documents and records to making your homeschool high school successful.

Traditional high schools have guidance counselors and as the homeschool parent, one of your roles is being your high schooler’s guidance counselor. Among other things, these counselors act as the main source of communication between students and colleges. Many help students in their college search, their college applications, and their supporting application documents. As a homeschool high school parent, in addition to often being the teacher, you wear many additional hats. Your guidance counselor hat is not much different than a traditional guidance counselor.  I addition to all the records and documents outlined in this guide, I have detailed all the responsibilities of the homeschool guidance counselor. You will feel confident in setting your teen up for success!

This Guide is a 24-page pdf download file.


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Homeschool High School Document and Records Guide
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