Book of Centuries
and Timeline Figures
Timelines have long been used as a visual representation of historical events. Timelines offer students the ability to visually process overlapping and chronological events in history, relating them in a way that is more difficult to perceive through reading. Timelines in the homeschool are a valuable tool to relate subjects together and view historical events as interrelated.
Why should you use a timeline in your homeschool?
There are so many benefits of using a timeline in your homeschool. It is a powerful tool that can make our lives a lot easier and make history more fun for our kids! Check out the top 5 benefits I have seen of using a timeline in our homeschool:
1. It helps your children visualize how history connects together.
2. Whether you print timeline figures or your child makes their own, the hands-on act of cutting, coloring, and gluing helps children take an active role in that aids in memory retention.
3. It helps children identify patterns that have occurred throughout history.
4. It helps children see where people relate with, how they impact, or how they were impacted by the events during their time.
5. It is much easier to memorize dates and people when we can see it chronologically and it makes sense in our minds.
Book of Centuries
It’s a portable timeline in a notebook!
Book of Centuries for the Secular Homeschooler is different than other timeline books – we use the abbreviations B.C.E. and C.E. notation that is preferred in scientific and academic writing (a lesson on the difference is detailed in the book to help teach your students).
This 132-page portable timeline journal is a memorable way to teach history!
Each one of your students can create their own book, recording historical events and names of importance, political figures, literature, artists and musicians, discoveries, inventions, scientists, great writers, family birthdays, and more.
BTDT Homeschool was created with a heartfelt mission: to empower and give back to the secular homeschool community.
Through our informative podcasts, blog posts, daily inspiration, and a wide range of free printable tools, we aim to empower you on your homeschooling journey.
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This is a wonderful way for them to remember events and get creative. Anything that is worthy of studying is worth recording on the timeline as the timeline gives the snapshot perspective of when things happened and in what order.
History Quest * History Odyssey * Real Science Odyssey
Pandia Press has hands-on Secular Curricula written by real scientists and historians for 1st-12th grades
Anything that is worthy of studying is worth recording on the timeline as the timeline gives the snapshot perspective of when things happened and in what order.
Enter everything that your student is currently studying. This can be historical events, political figures, artists and musicians, discoveries, inventions, scientists, religious figures and events, literature, great writers, etc.
Curiosity Chronicles is a great option to teach history in a fun way!
Information can be recorded on timelines by writing events down by hand, drawing pictures, sticking stickers, or gluing on pictures or pre-drawn timeline figures. The greater learning experience would come from drawing pictures and writing captions down by hand. Pictures for your timeline can come from our TIMELINE FIGURES, magazine clippings, Google images, clip art books and CDs.
Timeline figures
Bring history to life with 372 timeline figures!
372 Timeline figures walk through recorded human history including Early Nomads, Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern and Late Modern times covering world events up to year 2022.
These timeline figures cover so much history!
Inventions, explorations, medical and scientific discoveries, historical figures, political figures, famous works of art, composers, rulers, presidents, kingdoms, dynasties, empires, colonies, migrations, inventions, wars, famous art and artists, plagues, civil rights, wonders of the world, famous architecture, and more!
Timeline figures are a great way to add to your Book of Centuries of a wall timeline. If you’re not keeping a timeline in your homeschool, I encourage you to begin to do so. It’s an easy, very visual, hands-on, fun exercise!