372 Timeline Figures up to year 2022


Bring history to life with 372 timeline figures!

372 Timeline figures walk through recorded human history including Early Nomads, Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern and Late Modern times covering world events up to year 2022.
Includes: Inventions, explorations, medical and scientific discoveries, historical figures, political figures, famous works of art, composers, rulers, presidents, kingdoms, dynasties, empires, colonies, migrations, inventions, wars, famous art and artists, plagues, civil rights, wonders of the world, famous architecture, and more!
These timeline figures are a great way to add to your Book of Centuries or a wall timeline. 

This is an E-book with detailed printing instructions
Now available in print! View on AMAZON
Book of Centuries for the Secular Homeschooler is a portable timeline in a notebook. Each two-page spread in the book is


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Timeline figures372 Timeline Figures up to year 2022
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