Quotes & Testimonials

“Homeschooling allowed us to honor the learning pace of our children, nurture their interests and gifts, make lasting and meaningful friendships and family bonds and dive deep and explore areas of study often left out of curriculum. We were able to give time and value to the arts, social connections and community. It was one of the most memorable times of our lives. 'It worked!'”
Mom of 2

Now fully employed and independent son age 24 and soon-to-be college graduate, age 21
“As a former public school teacher, I never anticipated homeschooling my own children. That changed when we didn't feel the academic needs of our oldest child were met through the local school system. We began homeschooling her in third grade, and she is now a college graduate. Our second child graduated from our homeschool last spring, and our youngest child is working at a 7/9 grade level at home. We are a non-religious, secular homeschooling family. We use a lot of discussion based assignments, hands-on activities, field trips, and traveling to meet the needs of our child. We cannot imagine a better educational fit for our kids.”
Homeschool Mom of 3
“I've always been a critical thinker, so I never just assumed that public school was an automatic choice. I spent a lot of time considering and researching education options, and the more I thought about homeschooling, the more I knew it was the best option for us. We homeschooled from the beginning, and we did not have a lot of money in the early days. For us, homeschooling was a sacrifice financially, but I never wavered in my commitment. We used workbooks, field trips, reading time, local homeschool classes, and online math games in the early days. In the teen years we used dual credit classes at our community college. We spent afternoons with homeschool friends at the park, and my kids had lots of free time to explore their creativity and interests. Now that they are thriving in college (as a senior and a sophomore), it's amazing to look back on our journey and know that I gave them the childhood and the education I really wanted for them. And I am beyond grateful to my fellow homeschool mom friends who helped make our journey so much fun!"
Business Owner and retired Home Educator
"Homeschooling is easily one of the best decisions our family has ever made! We love the flexibility and individualized education. My wife and I can teach in the learning styles that work best for our kids, and we have the freedom to learn about the things we are passionate about. We have more time to make memories together as a family and our children are free to be themselves without judgment. We have developed stronger friendships with other homeschool families than we ever did while in public school. It's been the perfect fit for all of us!"
Michelle & Tori
Homeschool moms of 2
“I had a lot of reasons in mind when my kids were little that lead me to homeschool them. Honestly, I was a public school teacher before they were born and could not imagine putting my kids in one. I wanted my kids to be able to grow up being themselves, and homeschooling was one way to foster that individual spirit. I also loved that my kids got to spend so much time with their siblings. We lost one of our kids to cancer, and one of my only bright spots has been that she got to live life like she chose, free of strict schedules and bells. She and her siblings had an amazing thirteen years together.”
Homeschool Mom of 4

Mina (22 and a senior in college)
Xander (19 and a sophomore in college)
Zahra (forever 13)
Henry (11 and still homeschooled)
“If I could go back and tell myself one thing as I was starting my first day of homeschool in 2010, it would be this, “Everything you know about school, curriculum, required classes, homework, schedules, and testing is a construct. Your homeschool doesn’t need to look ANYTHING like the school that has been presented to you your entire life. Instead of gradually letting go of those embedded systems year after year, just throw them all out now. Don’t look back. Go create a unique life of learning that embraces your individual family today! Oh, and you absolutely cannot listen to too many audio books.”
Secular Homeschool Mom of 2
“My homeschooling style is Eclectic. Learning together as a family, we started with music, sports, nature, and books. Each year, we added more and more. My advice is get to know your city. Once you start looking for community, resources, opportunities, programs--you will quickly realize that there is so much out there! I am so grateful for the diversity of backgrounds and styles in the homeschooling community, and especially the many talented women who showed me the way.”
Homeschool mom of 3
"My husband and I decided to homeschool our two sons because we wanted the freedom to travel to visit my family in England on our schedule and not a public school schedule. But it quickly became apparent that my older son's ADHD would have made a conventional classroom setting a real struggle for him. We were able to adapt our teaching style to his needs. It was perfect for our younger son too because he learned to read so quickly. We were able to progress at an accelerated speed with his teaching. We have loved the flexibility of homeschooling!"
Homeschool Mom of 2
“Homeschooling allowed us to follow the unique paths of both of our children. It also gave us the freedom to immerse ourselves in our community through field trips, volunteering, and internships. Choosing to homeschool was probably one of the best decisions we ever made for our kids and our family, as a whole.”
Homeschool Mom of 2
“Homeschooling allowed us to pursue unique interests whether that was frequent trips to museums, dance classes, or being part of a cultural arts groups that took us to Germany for Oktoberfest and Ireland for a traditional Irish music festival and competition. It also allowed us to tailor our education to individual needs, from the son who needed hands on and projects to the daughter who needed special tutoring for dyslexia to the 6 year old who insisted on learning Chinese for 3 years. Now that they have all graduated and are pursuing college classes, it is amazing to see them pursue their interests and become lifelong learners on their own.”
Mom 22, 21, and 20 year old homeschool graduates and current college students
“My family thrived because we homeschooled. It allowed us to work our family routines and sleep cycles to my husband’s work and commute so the kids could spend time with dad when they were young. Homeschooling also allowed my kids to thrive even when we faced major learning challenges with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and ADHD. Homeschooling also meant that for two years after moving from a very rural area to a big city, learning to survive and thrive in the new environment became the single most-important lesson. Now that my eldest are 20 and 18 and my 11 year old is mainly feral, I can say homeschooling is the best decision we’ve made for our family.”
Homeschool mom of 3
"Curiosity. Discovery. Connection. Truth. These four words sum up why we have homeschooled for the last twelve years and counting! My kids have the freedom to be curious about the world in which we live and make discoveries along the way at their own pace. I ensure they have space to connect with others who will help them cultivate their interests. As multi-ethnic homeschoolers, we take deep dives into learning about the contributions made by people around the world and can grapple with history in a truthful way. Homeschooling is a lifestyle for us!”
Mom of 2 (high school and elementary) who have always been homeschooled

What does Homeschool look like?

Learning all the time


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