FREE Homeschool Skills List PreK-12th


Enjoy your FREE PreK-12th Grades Skills and Checklists! These goals can serve as benchmarks enabling you to follow their interests and meet academic objectives. Check out our Homeschool Curriculum Guide and view the 7 Steps to Choosing Curriculum that works for your entire family! Please know that curriculum all curriculum recommendations should be used as resource to check out. The BEST Curriculum is the one that fits your family!

We’ve summarized Language Arts and Math skills in these handy checklists per each grade PreK – 12th.  These goals can serve as benchmarks for the year, allowing you to utilize various resources and activities to achieve academic goals. Remember, there is no concept of being “behind” in homeschooling, so choose goals that suit your child best. If your child has already mastered many of the skills, that’s fantastic! Check out our Curriculum Guide. Not sure what you’re looking for in a curriculum? No problem..check out our 7 Steps to Choosing Homeschool Curriculum>>


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Skills and ChecklistsFREE Homeschool Skills List PreK-12th
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